5 tips for a good PR outreach campaign

If you are planning to carry out a guest blogging/ PR outreach campaign as part of your content marketing efforts, there are a few things you must bear in mind to ensure that the campaign is successful. Otherwise, you might discover that it is a lot of effort and time spent with very little to show for it in terms of actual results. There can be nothing worse for any business, and for SMEs in particular. Here are 5 key things every business must consider before embarking on a guest blogging/ PR outreach campaign.

Ensure the process is defined and agreed upon
It is really important to define the process to be followed for the campaign with the different stakeholders. “Whether you first create pieces of content and then find the right channel to get it published on, or you approach a few publishing platforms first and then create custom content for them— these are decisions that you can agree on upfront.”

Be realistic about content creation capabilities
Creating quality content can be challenging. While many SMEs think that creating a few blog posts shouldn’t be too difficult, especially with the help of generative AI/ tools like ChatGPT at one’s disposal these days, feeding the content pipeline often tends to be an issue. So have a clear idea of how much content can be created in what timeframe so that you can regulate the outreach effort accordingly.

Define the criteria for websites you are reaching out to
Set up some broad criteria on the type and “nature” of websites you want to approach for potential content contribution and publication opportunities. You obviously want to ensure that you are reaching out to websites that appear to be of good quality, has a relevant and sizeable audience.

Get clarity from the content platform on what exactly you are getting
Will you get a link back to your website? Will the author get a detailed by-line? Will the published article carry a photograph of the author? These are just some of the questions you should get clarity on, upfront, to avoid disputes and bad will later.

Get due credit for your content
“There is nothing worse in content marketing than seeing somebody else take full credit for a piece of work that you have crafted assiduously.” If the publication that you are working with doesn’t give you full credit, fight for it!

This brief article is excerpted from “Lessons and Tips from a PR/ guest blogging outreach campaign“, written by Manoj Aravindakshan, a top digital marketing consultant in Singapore.

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